
Ad Hominem Fallacies

What is an Ad Hominem Fallacy? Simple Definitions An ad hominem fallacy is when someone argues by attacking the person…

3 weeks ago

Slippery Slope Fallacy

I. Definition The Slippery Slope fallacy, also known as the Camel’s Nose, is an argument that assumes that certain, usually…

5 years ago

Straw Man fallacy

I. Definition The Straw Man fallacy, also been called the Aunt Sally argument in Great Britain, creates an illusion, based…

5 years ago

The Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy

I. Definition A Texas sharpshooter fallacy occurs when someone draws conclusions based on only the consistent data – the data…

5 years ago

Begging the Question Fallacy

I. What is Begging the Question? Begging the Question is a form of logical fallacy that is based on assumptions.…

5 years ago

Appeal to Authority

I. What is Appeal to Authority There are many types of fallacies that people often use in philosophical argumentation. Fallacies…

5 years ago

Moralistic Fallacy

I. What is Moralistic Fallacy? A moralistic fallacy could be any belief or argument that the world is as you…

5 years ago

Definist Fallacy

I. Definition The definist fallacy occurs when someone defines a concept in biased terms for the sake of an argument.…

5 years ago

Accident Fallacy

I. Definition An accident fallacy is an error in reasoning caused by sweeping generalizations. It occurs when you assume that…

5 years ago