
Red Herring Fallacy

Red Herring Fallacy – Definition A Red Herring Fallacy occurs when someone introduces a point or idea that’s way off…

3 weeks ago

Post Hoc Fallacy

Understanding the Post Hoc Fallacy A post hoc fallacy is like blaming the wrong suspect just because they were at…

3 weeks ago

Nirvana Fallacy

Definition of Nirvana Fallacy When you hear someone say a project or an idea isn't worth it because it's not…

3 weeks ago

Naturalistic Fallacy

What is a Naturalistic Fallacy? Ever heard of a "naturalistic fallacy?" It's a fancy term for a pretty simple mistake…

3 weeks ago

Modal Fallacies

What is a Modal Fallacy? When we talk about what must or what might happen, or what is always true…

3 weeks ago

Hasty Generalization

Defining Hasty Generalization A hasty generalization happens when someone makes a judgment too quickly by using only a small bit…

3 weeks ago

False Dilemma Fallacies

What is a False Dilemma Fallacy? Have you ever heard someone say you can only pick between A or B…

3 weeks ago

False Dichotomy Structure

The False Dichotomy Fallacy – Definition A False Dichotomy Fallacy is when someone claims that there are just two choices…

3 weeks ago

Fallacy of Relevance

Definition of the Fallacy of Relevance Let's start with a simple definition: a fallacy of relevance is when an argument…

3 weeks ago

Fallacy of Division

Definition of the Fallacy of Division Imagine you are part of a soccer team known for its swift players, and…

3 weeks ago