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Congress is the group in charge of making decisions that affect the whole United States. It’s like a team that decides the rules of a big game we all play, called “Life in the USA.” This team is split into two smaller ones, the Senate and the House of Representatives. Each team has different player counts, game strategies, and rulebooks, but they compete on the same field for the same purpose: to pass laws for the good of all people living in America.

The Senate is like a club where every state in the US sends two members, no matter how big or small the state is. These senators stick around for six years, but every couple of years, some spots open up, so new people can join. The House of Representatives, on the other hand, is like a really big team that has a spot for every section of the country. Bigger areas get more team members, while smaller areas get fewer. Each member is part of the team for two years, then everyone has a chance to be picked again.

How to Guide: Becoming a Member of Congress

If you want to play this game and become part of the team, you have to win a big competition called an election, in your own backyard—your home state. The competition can get really tough, and you need to prove you’re the best choice to represent your neighbors. Whether you want to join the Senate or the House, the steps are pretty similar:

  1. Meet and understand the people in your area. Know their problems and dreams like the back of your hand.
  2. Get in with one of the big teams, a political party, so they have your back and give you advice.
  3. Face off against others in your team during the primaries—it’s like the playoffs before the final game.
  4. Win the primaries and you get to the big leagues: the general election, where the whole area gets to vote for you—or not.
  5. Convince the most people to vote for you, and you’ve made it—you’re part of Congress!


There are two main sections of Congress, and both play a special role in deciding the country’s rules:

  • The Senate: This is one of the two teams in Congress. It’s an exclusive club with only 100 members—two for each state. Senators have a long term, six years, which means they don’t have to worry about elections as often.
  • The House of Representatives: This is the other team. It’s a lot bigger, with 435 members who all come from different parts of the US. Their time on the team is short, only two years, which means they have to keep proving they’re still the right choice for their people.

Examples of Congress

Here are some clear examples of Congress in action, showing how it affects us:

  • Congress decides how to spend the country’s money. Just like your family might have a budget for food, clothes, and fun, Congress makes a plan for the whole country’s spending on things like schools and the army. This matters because it decides what parts of life in the US get more attention and resources.
  • When Congress sees a problem, like unsafe cars leading to accidents, they can step in and make a rule, such as requiring cars to have better safety features. This law then helps protect people who drive or ride in cars, making our roads safer.

Why is it Important?

Congress is way more than just a group of people meeting in a fancy building. It’s important because they make decisions that steer the whole country—like a captain steering a ship. The rules they set can determine if your school has enough books, if your family can afford health care, and even what happens in emergencies like big storms or health scares.

Think of it this way: say you’re on a sports team, and your coach makes up a new drill. That drill is going to affect how well you play the game, right? Well, Congress is like that coach, but for every area of life in the US. It’s their job to figure out the best “drills” that will help the nation win at the game of life, safety, health, education, and welfare.

Related to this, Congress also has a big role on the world stage. They decide how America acts with other countries, which can mean peace or conflict, trade or tariffs. This can affect things like the price of a new phone or whether your cousin in the military goes overseas. It’s big stuff and it’s why keeping an eye on Congress matters—even for things that seem to happen far away from your home.


The birth of Congress goes back to the 1700s at the very start of America. The founders of the US wanted a fair system where no single ruler could boss everyone around like a tyrant. So, they wrote the Constitution and built Congress into it, giving it the power to put the people’s voice into action without letting any one person or group take over.


Despite its vital role, Congress can end up in some tough spots:

  • Sometimes people worry that lobbyists, who are like persuasive talkers for big businesses or groups, have too much say. These lobbyists can push Congress to make laws that help their own group more than the average person.
  • Partisanship is another issue—when Congress members only stick with their own party friends instead of working with everyone. It’s like refusing to pass the ball to certain teammates, which obviously doesn’t help win the game.
  • And there’s a big debate about who gets to fund the big election competitions. If someone with a lot of money supports a candidate, does that mean the candidate will only look out for that person’s interests? People worry about this kind of influence.

Understanding Congress’s Influence on Daily Life

Congress’s decisions touch every part of your day, from the moment you ride the bus to school to when you visit a doctor. They set the standards for highways, fund your local schools, take care of parks, and help manage health care. So, news about Congress isn’t just about folks in a far-off building; it’s about the roads you travel, the classes you attend, and the community you live in.


Understanding Congress means getting why this team of lawmakers is key to American politics. Their decisions twist and turn through every street, school, hospital, and office in the country. Congress influences major issues both within the United States and across the globe. From passing laws to funding education and infrastructure, or addressing national and world affairs, Congress plays a critical role. Clearly, knowing how Congress works is part of being a knowledgeable and active member of society, which affects everyone, including you.

Related Topics

There are other areas of government and life that relate to Congress. These include:

  • The Executive Branch: This branch is led by the President of the United States. It works closely with Congress because the President can sign bills from Congress into law or veto them if he disagrees.
  • Checks and Balances: This system makes sure no part of the government, including Congress, gets too powerful. Each branch (Congress, the President, and the courts) can check the others, like a game of rock-paper-scissors.
  • The Judicial Branch: This is the part of government that includes the courts, like the Supreme Court. They can review the laws Congress makes to ensure they are fair and follow the Constitution.

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