
Placebo Effect

What is the Placebo Effect? The placebo effect happens when someone feels better after they get a treatment that isn't…

3 weeks ago

Pessimism Bias

What is Pessimism Bias? Pessimism Bias is when someone often thinks that bad things are going to happen, more than…

3 weeks ago

Outgroup Homogeneity Bias

What is Outgroup Homogeneity Bias? Outgroup Homogeneity Bias is a common way our brains might oversimplify how we see other…

3 weeks ago

Optimism Bias

What is Optimism Bias? Imagine you think you're most definitely going to ace a test, or you're certain that a…

3 weeks ago

Naive Realism

What is Naive Realism? Imagine everyone in the world wearing a pair of invisible glasses. These special glasses show them…

3 weeks ago

Naive Cynicism

Understanding Naive Cynicism Naive cynicism is when someone believes other people’s intentions and actions are worse than they really are.…

3 weeks ago

Moral Luck

What is Moral Luck? Moral luck is when things that happen, which are out of our control, affect how we…

3 weeks ago

Law of Triviality

What is Law of Triviality? The Law of Triviality is an idea that helps us understand why people often spend…

3 weeks ago

Just World Hypothesis

What is Just World Hypothesis? The Just World Hypothesis is a way of thinking that tells us people believe the…

3 weeks ago

In Group Favoritism

What is In Group Favoritism? Imagine you're in a cafeteria and you have an extra cookie. You look around and…

3 weeks ago